“ Knowledge management is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise’s information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers.” (Duhon, Gartner Group, 1998).
Knowledge management

• Create awareness of Risk Management basic principles and practices;
• Familiarize leaders with useful tools, applicability, roles & responsibilities;
• Create an example by solving a real situation that a solid company wants to create / improve.
• To be defined based on organizational needs and expectations.
Learning architecture
• Understanding the definitions, basic principles and applicable international standards;
• Examples of tools (Case Studies) in various real organizational contexts;
• Practice and challenge the understanding of the tools by solving a real example that a company wants to create / fix / improve (e.g. knowledge retention in case of high regrettable turnover;
• How to prevent work related accidents from happening and how to react if they happen etc.).
Basic principles
• Lessons learnt databases – databases that attempt to capture and to make accessible knowledge that has been operationally obtained and typically would not have been captured in a fixed medium (to use copyright terminology). In the KM context, the emphasis is typically upon capturing knowledge embedded in persons and making it explicit.
• Expertise location – identify and locate those persons within an organization who have expertise in a particular area and making sure the expertise is standardized and speeded across the organizations to avoid single points of failure (link with Risk Management);
• Communities of Practice (CoPs) – Communities of practice emphasize
the social nature of learning within or across organizations.In the digital era CoPs are generally understood to mean electronically linked communities.
Examples of tools
• Libraries
• Archiving
• Wikis; blogs
• Intranet and extranet
• 5S (Physical & Digital)
• Data warehousing & data mining
• Skills retention
• Prevention / Reaction trade offs
Related topics
• KM & IT;
• KM & Internal communication;
• KM in Supply Chain;
• KM & R&D;